Tuesday 26 August 2014

How To Reduce Daily Health Problems By Drinking Water Merely

(Image Courtesy : www.pixabay.com)
Water is a very important natural resource. It is present in abundance on our planet and covers 71% of our earth surface. It is a combination of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom and its chemical formula is H2O. It has no taste, no color, no odor and its different physical and chemical properties make it  useful to nature and human beings in infinite ways. It plays a keen role in following fields :                                                      

1.  Cooking.
2.  Drinking.
3.  Bathing.
4.  Different household uses.
5.  Agriculture.
6.  Industrial uses.
7.  Aquatic Life Forms.
8.  Chemical Uses.
9.  Maintain Equilibrium in nature.
10. Heat Exchange.
11.Fire extinction.
12. Recreation.
13. Religious uses. etc. etc.

We have been discovering its properties and use it from a very long time and the count is still on. Water acts as a boon for human life and and our earth.

Water plays a very important role when the matter concerns our health. One can live without food but cannot live without water. It helps in digestion and regulate body metabolism. But still people are unaware of its advantages and its ways about how we should have it, that's why they suffer day to day health problems.

Some ways of drinking water that should be habitual in day to day life are as follows :

1. Firstly never drink water when you are standing, always try to drink water in sitting position. It will help to avoid knee joint pain.

2. Secondly never drink water in hurry. Always drink it sip by sip and by revolving fully inside your mouth because when you  are drinking it slowly sip by sip and revolving it in mouth, it gets mixed with saliva then enter in your abdomen through esophagus, which have following advantages:
  • It helps in proper digestion.
  • It helps in Pitta control. 
Pitta is the bilious humor, or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin; its chief quality is heat. It is the energy principle which uses bile to direct digestion and hence metabolism.
  • When saliva mixed water enters in the abdomen, it neutralizes the acidity because of its basic nature.

3. Never drink water while eating. Always drink water at least one and a half hour after eating because a type of digestive fire ignites in our abdomen instantaneously after we finish eating. This fire helps in digestion of food. Food gets completely digested in at least one and a half hour, so if we drink water immediately after having food, fire get extinguished and food will remain undigested which result in health problems like indigestion, gas, acidity, abdominal pain etc.

If it is not possible for you to control your thirst while eating, then try to drink water one half before eating so that u will be able to control your thirst while eating.

4. Avoid glasses and flat surface container or vessels to drink water in, because according to the laws of physics and surface tension, a flat surface has high surface tension, so if you will be drinking water in glasses, you will be drinking water of high surface tension. Try to drink water in spherical surfaces container or Lotas ( spherical containers of Indian origin), because sphere has least surface tension. Try to drink water in copper utensils because copper kills the unwanted organism and filter the water.
5. Drink as much water as you can, it removes nitrogenous waste and intact your kidney functioning. According to the medical science a person should drink water one tenth of the body weight per day.

Eg. If your weight is 50 kg you should drink water one tenth of its i.e. 5 liters of water per day.    
If you follow these above given steps, you will find a miraculous positive changes in your body. You will get relieved from following problems :
  • Heaviness in body.
  • Headache.
  • Knee joint and muscular pain.
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Fatigue. 
Overall health and lifestyle will be enhanced and as your body will get healthy, your life will get happier.

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